In May, 2022, the Nottoway County Public Library System added a new section to its Strategic
Plan. In it, the system pledged to lead by example by seeking to increase energy efficiency, reduce
waste, and increase the use of environmentally preferable materials. This was the beginning of
our journey. The following year, the Library System became the first public library in Virginia
begin working the Sustainability Libraries Initiative’s Certification Program.

We are making this effort because we believe the library to be an essential part of the community,
and we envision a world in which learners of all ages visit the library to have access to information,
resources, and services that respect the triple bottom line of social equity, economic feasibility, and
environmental stewardship.
The American Library Association has added sustainability as a core value of librarianship, and
this certification program requires more than 140 action items in the twelve categories listed below.
Completing these actions encourages us to embed a commitment to sustainability in every facet
of our organization.
Organizational Commitment
Materials Management – Waste & Recycling
Materials Management – Purchasing
Land Use
Community Involvement
Social Equity & Resiliency
Financial Sustainability
We are proud of our efforts to reduce our carbon footprint, ensure that our workplace, services
and programs respect equity, diversity, and inclusion. We are proud, too, of our dedication to good fiscal stewardship of the public dollars entrusted to our organization.
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