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About Us

Mission & Vision

Because libraries equal strong communities

Mission Statement: The Nottoway County Public Library System provides all residents, at no cost, the resources for accessing accurate information and the means for continual personal growth and prosperity.

Vision Statement: The Nottoway County Public Library System will be the vital agency for residents seeking to improve their lives by acquiring the needed skills and elements to realize personal goals and the enhancement of their lives.

Nottoway County Library System Five-Year Plan

The regular meeting of the Library Board of Trustees shall be held on the third Wednesday of each month with the exception of July. The meeting will take place at ten-thirty a.m. according to the following schedule unless otherwise designated by the Chairman.

January: Crewe (HQ Library)
February: Crewe (HQ Library)
March: Blackstone Library
April: Crewe (HQ Library)
May: Crewe (HQ Library)
June: Burkeville Library
July: no meeting
August: Crewe (HQ Library)
September: Blackstone Library
October: Crewe (HQ Library)
November: Crewe (HQ Library)
December: Burkeville Library

There are approximately 16,500 public library buildings in the United States. These buildings house libraries that serve as places where people can go freely for information, self-education, and pleasure.

To help better understand the ideals of the library profession, links to several documents follow. They are the Library Bill of Rights, Access to Library Resources and Services for Minors, Policy on Confidentiality of Library Records, and the Freedom to Read Statement.

Our Locations